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Where Does All the Money Go?


As a Christian organization we feel an obligation to let our donors know how much of their donations actually go directly to the orphanage and the children. So, we have included this pie chart to indicate where donors’ monies are sent. The BLUE indicates the monies that are spent directly on the children. As you can see, the entire chart is BLUE. That’s because 100% of your donations go directly to the orphanage to be used for the children.


Other expenses, such as the printing and mailing of the newsletter, the website and similar costs are funded through sales at the Farmer’s Market or other venues such as the Summer and Christmas Strolls in Yuba City. The board of directors in both Yuba City and in Africa are all volunteers.


You too can become a volunteer. Simply CONTACT us to discover how you can be a part of the amazing work God is doing to save children in Africa.


Sponsor a child by clicking the Button Below



You may sponsor a child for $20/month, $30/month or $60/month.

You may also fill in any amount per month by choosing ("Other Amount")

NOTE: $95/month includes tuition for school.


Be sure to click the Monthly Button at the top for Automatic Payments


To make a yearly donation for the entire sponsorship,

simply click the Yearly Button. 


You will be directed to PayPal where you will fill in your payment information.

You may use your PayPal account or a credit/debit


You will receive a sponsorship packet in 2 - 3 weeks with a photo of your child as well as other important information about your child.

You will also receive regular updates that will include photos and report cards.


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